HomeTechHow to Measure the Success of Your Organic SEO Campaign

How to Measure the Success of Your Organic SEO Campaign

Measuring the results of SEO efforts is essential. But which KPIs are relevant for measuring SEO success? What exactly should be measured? It’s easy to get distracted with details that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Use the knowledge you gain with these tips to Track SEO Success of Organic SEO Campaign and to be more successful in search engine optimization, create reports, approve budgets, suggest actions to management, and contribute to company success.

The KPIs to Measure SEO Success

SEO makes money by driving traffic to the website. Traffic comes from rankings, the result of backlinks, and the content and form of the website. A backlink is a link from another site to your own website. Search engines use the backlink profile as an indicator to rank the website. This article tracks the SEO KPIs around search visibility, backlinks, and crawl efficiency, which indicates how easily the bots can capture all the pages on a website. The KPIs can be broken down based on various dimensions. Since the results between these can be very different, different insights can be gained from them:

  • Website sections or landing pages
  • Devices (desktop, tablet or mobile)
  • Location
  • Search engine

How is the website accessed and how does the so-called traffic arise? Three groups are distinguished:

  • Organic Traffic
  • Direct traffic
  • Paid Traffic

Organic traffic refers to clicks on unpaid search results. Improving organic traffic is the goal of search engine optimization (SEO). Direct traffic refers to website visits that come about by accessing the domain. Improving this proportion is the goal of content marketing. Web analysis tools classify a visit as direct traffic even if there is no referrer information. Paid traffic refers to all clicks on paid search results in the SERPs. The optimization of paid traffic campaigns is the goal of search engine marketing (SEM). 

The goals of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are organic traffic and the first positions in search results. The higher a landing page is placed, the more traffic it receives. In contrast to paid traffic, organic traffic is unstable and search engines often change their algorithms. Ideally, organic traffic is used to build your user base, which can then result in higher direct traffic. To achieve this, conducting a free website availability check can help optimize your site for better search engine performance.

Sales, ROI, and Conversions

The most important metrics for reporting are sales and ROI.

  • How much money was earned?
  • What investments were made?
  • How high is the ROI?

When you spend money or time, you need to know what it will get you. Without this information, you will definitely end up spending time and money on the wrong things. Those responsible are often not interested in rankings – they want to know how much money was earned. Therefore, this is the most important KPI. It can be difficult to get sales data that shows the impact of the website. With an eCommerce website, this is easy. If you’re generating leads that need to be converted into sales, it’s harder. You may be able to feed sales data into your web analytics suite. If necessary, this data will have to be compiled later after the sale. Without sales data, you’re limited to data about conversions, and actions that lead to a deal. Visits to a website turn into sales. Reporting exclusively on conversions often makes it difficult to determine the return on investment. Then assign an average value to the conversions or take the quality of the leads into account, ideally with real data.


Sessions and Their Behavior

Search engine optimization is about driving relevant visitors to a website. You need to know about the number of sessions and their characteristics. Analyze the visits, everyone is a potential lead. Also, keep a close eye on the soft goals they achieve on your website. This means, for example, B. Creation of test accounts and registration for the newsletter. These are the KPIs to report on:

  • Sessions (new and returning visitors)
  • Soft targets completed
  • Supported conversions
  • Soft target conversion rate
  • Time per session
  • Pages per session
  • Bounce rate

Use these KPIs to improve visitor engagement. For informational websites, this means that the time per session and the number of pages visited per session increase and the bounce rate decreases. This is achieved by displaying related pages or introducing eternal scrolling.

Users never reach the end of a page because new content is always being loaded. However, disadvantages in terms of search engine optimization, usability and clarity are to be expected.

Search Engine Rankings

For a long time, search engine rankings have been the most important KPI for SEO reporting. But these don’t mean much. You can have #1 search rankings that bring in a lot of traffic that doesn’t convert. It is important to look at the relationship between traffic, user behavior, and revenue. Still, rankings play a role in measuring SEO success because they help understand why traffic is increasing or decreasing.

Spot SEO problems before Google does 

SEO problems shouldn’t hold you back in the rankings. Monitor these with appropriate tools to improve your visibility and increase sales. Depending on the tools, there are also alert functions that draw your attention to challenges before they become a problem.


Tracking the success of your availed Budget-Friendly SEO Services is important, make sure you focus on the right KPIs. To save a lot of time and always have the KPIs available, it makes a lot of sense to set them up in an online dashboard. Integrations with Google Analytics, Search Console, and Pagespeed allow you to create powerful and comprehensive SEO reports. Ideally, the analysis tool and CRM can be connected to create even more meaningful reports.


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