HomeLife StyleWhat Tattoo Artists Won't Do?

What Tattoo Artists Won’t Do?

A tattoo artist has generally marked out a set of boundaries within which he or she runs their business and often has ethical standards by which they operate. As much as Tattooing is usually an art form associated with many freedoms and diverse practices, there are particular requests and practices that many artists will flatly refuse to produce or engage in. These refusals can be based on ethical considerations, professional standards, or personal beliefs.

Here are some of the common reasons tattoo artists might refuse a request.

Offensive or Hate Symbols

One of the most common refusals among tattoo artists involves requests for offensive or hate symbols. This mostly covers tattoos that connote or promote racism, sexism, homophobia, and generally all other types of bigotry. This would include symbols linked to hate groups, whether swastikas or Confederate flags. Many artists feel this moral duty to shun such requests in order not to further or perpetuate hatred and to keep studios inclusive and respectful.

Underage Clients

Laws for getting tattooed at a certain age vary, but normally the legal age limit is 18 years. Most tattooers, however, will turn down performing a tattoo on a minor, even with parental consent, due to illegality issues and because the judgment of a young person concerning permanent marks on their body is not as mature as an older person’s. Legal age verification is essential for professional purposes and reasons related to compliance.

Face, Hand and Neck Tattoos

While face, hand, and neck tattoos have become popular and a lot more socially acceptable, most artists are still very cautious when tattooing these areas on people who aren’t already substantively tattooed. These locations are exceptionally conspicuous and can change a person’s social and professional life. Many artists feel that part of their job is to educate clients about this and, in some cases, may turn down the work if they don’t think that person has truly thought about the long-term ramifications.

Obscene Content

Requests considered to be sexually explicit, too graphic, or otherwise inappropriate can also be refused. Artists may feel uncomfortable designing such tattoos or be concerned about their professional reputation. In addition, these tattoos can create an uncomfortable and unsafe situation for other clients and studio employees.

Poor Quality or Poorly Designed Tattoos

They are proud of what they do, and most will turn down designs they feel are poorly conceptualized or, ultimately, unworthy of their talent. This includes small designs that are too intricate to withstand time, misspelled tattoos, or weakly drawn images. Artists may recommend changes that will enhance the quality and durability of the design, but they can rightfully decline to continue a project if a client demands a design that would violate their professional integrity.

This post was written by J Michael Taylor. J Michael Taylor is an artist and owner of Black Amethyst Tattoo Gallery. Black Amethyst is the best among the St Pete tattoo shops. They provide an art-first approach to custom tattooing in a gallery setting.


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